One Cowichan, Cowichan Valley, Demands: Tax their Billions to fund a future for All of UsIt shouldn’t feel impossible to put a roof over your head and food on the table. But every day, the hope of a decent life feels further and further out of reach for far too many of us. The wealthiest companies in the world are making record profits while we pay the price. From our sky-rocketing grocery bills to our smoke-filled summers, we’re the ones stuck bearing the costs of an economy rigged to benefit a wealthy few. And while our politicians talk a big game, many of them want to give corporations more power— not less. But it doesn’t have to be this way. By exposing the root causes of the crises we are all facing and building widespread support for the solutions we need, our communities can build enough power to push back and demand better. Our government could generate the billions it needs to fund a just transition to renewable energy and make life more affordable for everyday Canadians by introducing a wealth tax on net wealth over $10 million; implementing an excess profits windfall tax on large corporations such as oil and gas companies; raising the corporate income tax rate; and shutting down loopholes that allow the wealthy to avoid taxes. It’s time to Tax their Billions and build a future for All of Us.5 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Jane Kilthei
Climate Justice Saskatoon demands: Tax their Billions to fund a future for All of UsIt shouldn’t feel impossible to put a roof over your head and food on the table. But every day, the hope of a decent life feels further and further out of reach for far too many of us. The wealthiest companies in the world are making record profits while we pay the price. From our sky-rocketing grocery bills to our smoke-filled summers, we’re the ones stuck bearing the costs of an economy rigged to benefit a wealthy few. And while our politicians talk a big game, many of them want to give corporations more power— not less. But it doesn’t have to be this way. By exposing the root causes of the crises we are all facing and building widespread support for the solutions we need, our communities can build enough power to push back and demand better. Our government could generate the billions it needs to fund a just transition to renewable energy and make life more affordable for everyday Canadians by introducing a wealth tax on net wealth over $10 million; implementing an excess profits windfall tax on large corporations such as oil and gas companies; raising the corporate income tax rate; and shutting down loopholes that allow the wealthy to avoid taxes. It’s time to Tax their Billions and build a future for All of Us.31 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Climate Justice Saskatoon
Solidarité avec les peuples autochtones du Brésil !Nous, les peuples autochtones du Brésil, savons qu'il est temps d'agir face à la gravité de la crise climatique. Nous savons qui met le feu à la planète et nous en ressentons les effets dévastateurs sur nos territoires et nos vies : sécheresses sévères, maladies, manque de nourriture, conflits et morts. Face à l'effondrement imminent des conditions de vie dans le monde, des mesures fortes et efficaces doivent être prises. Il n'y aura pas de vie sur une planète en feu. La crise climatique est aussi une crise de leadership et de valeurs. Nous n'avons jamais renoncé à défendre la vie et nous ne nous perdrons pas dans des discussions vides et des engagements stériles. Alors que les gouvernements continuent de se fixer des objectifs insuffisants et de promettre des financements sans lendemain, nous souhaitons annoncer qu'à partir de maintenant, nous prendrons la tête d'une mobilisation mondiale pour défendre la vie sur la planète. Coordination des peuples autochtones du Brésil (APIB) Coordination des organisations autochtones de l'Amazonie brésilienne (COIAB) Coordination des peuples autochtones du Nord-Est, du Minas Gerais et de l'Espírito Santo (APOINME) Conseil du peuple Terena Grande assemblée du peuple guarani (ATY GUASU) Commission Guarani Yvyrupa (CGY) Coordination des peuples autochtones du Sud-Est (ARPINSUDESTE) Coordination des peuples autochtones de la région Sud (ARPINSUL) https://350.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/11/logo-set.png3,855 of 4,000 Signatures
Non à l'exploitation du pétrole au parc des VirungaL’immense et riche diversité d'écosystèmes, de faune et de flore incomparable des Parcs de Virunga et Salonga qui est d’une valeur universelle exceptionnelle est aujourd’hui menacée par une série d’attribution des licences d'explorations pétrolières du gouvernement de la République Démocratique du Congo à travers le ministère des Hydrocarbures. Devant cette menace qui pèse sur ces parcs légendaires, classés au patrimoine mondial de l'UNESCO en même temps sites RAMSAR qui hébergent une biodiversité impressionnante dont des espèces rares et en voie de disparition qui n'existent nulle part ailleurs dans le monde, les communautés riveraines ainsi que la société civile locale s’est mobilisée pour s’opposer à ces licences d'exploration pétrolière qui auraient des conséquences dramatiques sur les vies et droits des communautés locales dont la déforestation, l'insécurité, la pollution, la destruction des moyens de subsistance des communautés et le dérèglement climatique. Les communautés riveraines ainsi que la société civile locale en appellent au gouvernement congolais pour le strict respect des lois de la République et des conventions internationales en matière de sauvegarde de l’environnement, de promotion et protection des droits des paysans, d’investissements prioritaires dans les énergies renouvelables pour promouvoir le développement durable des économies locales à travers des alternatives économiques existantes au sein des aires protégées. Elles exigent un arrêt immédiat du processus d’octroi des licences d’exploration du pétrole dans ces écosystèmes sensibles, notamment le projet de désaffection d’une partie du Parc des Virunga et d’une autre partie du Parc de la Solanga, tous inscrits au patrimoine mondial de l’UNESCO et faisant partie des sites RAMSAR.1,515 of 2,000 SignaturesCreated by Lut Wanjiru
Apoie as lideranças indígenas do BrasilNós, povos indígenas brasileiros, diante da gravidade da crise climática, sabemos que o tempo para agir é agora. Somos testemunhas de quem está incendiando o planeta e o impacto devastador disso nos nossos territórios e nas nossas vidas: seca severa, isolamento forçado, doenças, falta de alimento, invasões, conflitos e mortes. Com o colapso iminente das condições de vida no mundo, ações fortes e efetivas precisam ser tomadas. Não haverá preservação da vida em um planeta em chamas. A crise climática é também uma crise de liderança e de valores. Nós nunca abdicamos de defender a vida e não vamos nos perder em discussões vazias e compromissos estéreis. Enquanto os governos continuam querendo mediar metas insuficientes e financiamentos vazios, queremos anunciar que, a partir de agora, nós vamos assumir a liderança para uma mobilização global pela vida no planeta. Articulação dos Povos Indígenas do Brasil (APIB) Coordenação das Organizações Indígenas da Amazônia Brasileira (COIAB) Articulação dos Povos Indígenas do Nordeste, Minas Gerais e Espírito Santo (APOINME) Conselho do Povo Terena Grande Assembleia do povo Guarani (ATY GUASU) Comissão Guarani Yvyrupa (CGY) Articulação dos Povos Indígenas do Sudeste (ARPINSUDESTE) Articulação dos Povos Indígenas da Região Sul (ARPINSUL) https://350.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/11/logo-set.png44 of 100 Signatures
Apoye a los líderes indígenas en BrasilNosotros, los pueblos indígenas brasileños, ante la gravedad de la crisis climática, sabemos que el tiempo para actuar es ahora. Somos testigos de quienes están incendiando el planeta y del impacto devastador que esto tiene en nuestros territorios y en nuestras vidas: sequías severas, aislamiento forzado, enfermedades, falta de alimentos, invasiones, conflictos y muertes. Con el colapso inminente de las condiciones de vida en el mundo, se deben tomar acciones fuertes y efectivas. No habrá preservación de la vida en un planeta en llamas. La crisis climática también es una crisis de liderazgo y de valores. Nunca hemos renunciado a defender la vida y no nos perderemos en discusiones vacías ni en compromisos estériles. Mientras los gobiernos siguen mediando metas insuficientes y financiamientos vacíos, queremos anunciar que, a partir de ahora, vamos a asumir el liderazgo para una movilización global por la vida en el planeta. Articulación de los Pueblos Indígenas de Brasil (APIB) Coordinación de las Organizaciones Indígenas de la Amazonía Brasileña (COIAB) Articulación de los Pueblos Indígenas del Nordeste, Minas Gerais y Espíritu Santo (APOINME) Consejo del Pueblo Terena Gran Asamblea del Pueblo Guaraní (ATY GUASU) Comisión Guaraní Yvyrupa (CGY) Articulación de los Pueblos Indígenas del Sudeste (ARPINSUDESTE) Articulación de los Pueblos Indígenas de la Región Sur (ARPINSUL) https://350.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/11/logo-set.png43 of 100 Signatures
Stand with Indigenous leaders in BrazilWe, the Indigenous Peoples of Brazil, in the face of the gravity of the climate crisis, know that the time to act is now. We know who is setting the planet on fire and we feel the devastating impacts in our territories and our lives: severe drought, forced isolation, diseases, lack of food, invasions, conflicts, and deaths. With the imminent collapse of living conditions in the world, strong and effective actions must be taken. There will be no life on a burning planet. The climate crisis is also a crisis of leadership and values. We have never given up on defending life, and we will not get lost in empty discussions and sterile commitments. While governments continue to mediate insufficient targets and empty fundings, we want to announce that, from now on, we will take the lead in a global mobilization for life on the planet. Articulation of Indigenous Peoples of Brazil (APIB) Coordination of Indigenous Organizations of the Brazilian Amazon (COIAB) Articulation of Indigenous Peoples of the Northeast, Minas Gerais, and Espírito Santo (APOINME) Council of the Terena People Grand Assembly of the Guarani People (ATY GUASU) Guarani Yvyrupa Commission (CGY) Articulation of Indigenous Peoples of the Southeast (ARPINSUDESTE) Articulation of Indigenous Peoples of the South Region (ARPINSUL) https://350.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/11/logo-set.png7,168 of 8,000 Signatures
Let's make 1180 Uccle, Belgium sober!Belgium is one of the most dense country in the world (about 350 inhabitant per square km). Cities such as Bruxelles are even denser. In the meantime, Belgium and especially Uccle, is also a place with one of the highest GDP per habitant in the world. Since GDP is correlated with energy consumption, which is until now dominated by fossil fuels (coal, gas, oil), this means that on average Belgium citizens consume way to much energy. While renewable energy, or green energy (e.g. solar panels, windmills) needs to be promoted instead of fossil fuel energy, the most important is to drastically reduce energy consumption. This can be achieved if strong measures, as described above, are adopted. Consuming less energy does not mean having less well-being. Cars, fast-food and fast-fashion do not create happiness for the consumer, they just make CEOs of big corporations wealthier by increasing their profit while destroying the environment that is yet essential for a decent life for all.1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Vincent Perrot
Promover el uso de energia limpia para calefacción y evitar el uso de vehiculos en el área urbanaQueremos que la vida del Pueblo sea parte de un mundo más justo y libre de combustibles fósiles. Si nuestro gobierno local y central comienzan a invertir en iniciativas y proyectos de energía renovable liderados por la comunidad nos estaremos ayudando a que nuestra comunidad prospe positivamente. Estas iniciativas y proyectos respaldarán las preferencias por el uso de vehículos sin uso de combustible fosil y aportar a una transición energética con el uso de la Bicicleta y/o la preferencia a caminar,eso reducirá nuestras facturas y limpiarán nuestro aire. Si logramos, el cambiarnos a un nuevo estilo de vida, por la vía de transportarnos con el menor uso de vehículos a combustible fosil, por sobre el uso de la bicicleta y la preferencia por caminar, entonces podemos los cambios en el mundo que esperas ver tienen sentido.1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Hugo Correa Pietra
Fenerbahçe: Gücünü güneşten alan bir stadyum istiyoruz55 bin kişilik bir stadyumun bir maçta harcadığı enerji 164 hanenin yıllık elektrik tüketimine eşit. Temiz bir gelecek ve iklim kriziyle mücadelede enerji dönüşümü çok önemli. Spor kulüpleri bu konuda öncü olabilir. Sen de harekete geç, stadyumlar güneş enerjisiyle aydınlansın.2 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Barış Eceçelik
Esenler Otogarı (Büyük İstanbul Otogarı) için Sıra Güneş Enerjisinde!Bu ikonik yapıyı güneş enerjisiyle aydınlatarak hem ekonomik tasarruf sağlayabilir hem de iklim kriziyle mücadele için bir adım atabiliriz. Esenler Otogarı aslında bir örnek ve bir başlangıç; tüm şehirlerdeki tüm otogarların bağlı bulundukları yerel yönetimlerden aynı talepte bulunabiliriz. Bunun için oluşturduğum kampanyayı imzaladıktan sonra lütfen arkadaşlarınla paylaşmayı unutma. Katılımın ve desteğin için şimdiden çok teşekkürler!2 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Selen Karaca
Müze Gazhane Gücünü Yenilenebilir Enerjiden Alsın!19. yüzyılda İstanbul'a havagazı tedariki için kurulan Hasanpaşa Gazhanesi 1993'te kapatıldı. Yıkılması gündemde olan bölgeye Gazhane Çevre Gönüllüleri sahip çıktı ve gazhanenin bir kültür mirası olarak addedilmesi için uzun yıllar mücadele etti. 2021 yılında ise İstanbul Büyükşehir Belediyesi tarafından Müze Gazhane olarak yeniden açıldı. Çeşitli etkinliklerin, kültür faaliyetlerinin gerçekleştiği Müze Gazhane içerisinde bir de İklim Müzesi'ni barındırıyor. Eskiden bir fosil yakıt tedariki merkezi olan, bugün ise içinde İklim Müzesi'ni barındıran Müze Gazhane'nin elektriğini yenilenebilir enerjiden almalı. Gücünü yenilenebilir enerjiden alacak Müze Gazhane'nin ancak o zaman İklim Müzesi'ni hakedeceğine ve gerçek anlamda dönüşümünü tamamlayacağına inanıyorum.2 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Efe Baysal