• Andrew Lewin, Tax Their Billions!
    The richest 1% emit as much planet-heating pollution as two-thirds of the Earth’s population. [1] While many of us are hit with energy bills we can’t afford and faced with cold, damp homes during winter, we are about to witness history’s first trillionaire. Rich people are getting richer, while the rest of us are becoming worse off. In France, for instance, the average taxpayer in 2016 gave 48 percent of earnings to the government, while billionaires paid just 26 percent. And the mega-rich in the UK can leverage various strategies to lower their effective tax rates compared to the average taxpayer. [2] Sources: 1:  Oxfam, 2023. "Climate inequality: A planet for the 99%." 2:  Oxfam 2023. "The super-rich pay lower taxes than you and here's how they do it."
    0 of 100 Signatures
  • Tom Gordon, Tax Their Billions!
    The richest 1% emit as much planet-heating pollution as two-thirds of the Earth’s population. [1] While many of us are hit with energy bills we can’t afford and faced with cold, damp homes during winter, we are about to witness history’s first trillionaire. Rich people are getting richer, while the rest of us are becoming worse off. In France, for instance, the average taxpayer in 2016 gave 48 percent of earnings to the government, while billionaires paid just 26 percent. And the mega-rich in the UK can leverage various strategies to lower their effective tax rates compared to the average taxpayer. [2] Sources: 1:  Oxfam, 2023. "Climate inequality: A planet for the 99%." 2:  Oxfam 2023. "The super-rich pay lower taxes than you and here's how they do it."
    0 of 100 Signatures
  • Alex Baker, Tax Their Billions!
    The richest 1% emit as much planet-heating pollution as two-thirds of the Earth’s population. [1] While many of us are hit with energy bills we can’t afford and faced with cold, damp homes during winter, we are about to witness history’s first trillionaire. Rich people are getting richer, while the rest of us are becoming worse off. In France, for instance, the average taxpayer in 2016 gave 48 percent of earnings to the government, while billionaires paid just 26 percent. And the mega-rich in the UK can leverage various strategies to lower their effective tax rates compared to the average taxpayer. [2] Sources: 1:  Oxfam, 2023. "Climate inequality: A planet for the 99%." 2:  Oxfam 2023. "The super-rich pay lower taxes than you and here's how they do it."
    1 of 100 Signatures
  • Steffan Aquarone, Tax Their Billions!
    The richest 1% emit as much planet-heating pollution as two-thirds of the Earth’s population. [1] While many of us are hit with energy bills we can’t afford and faced with cold, damp homes during winter, we are about to witness history’s first trillionaire. Rich people are getting richer, while the rest of us are becoming worse off. In France, for instance, the average taxpayer in 2016 gave 48 percent of earnings to the government, while billionaires paid just 26 percent. And the mega-rich in the UK can leverage various strategies to lower their effective tax rates compared to the average taxpayer. [2] Sources: 1:  Oxfam, 2023. "Climate inequality: A planet for the 99%." 2:  Oxfam 2023. "The super-rich pay lower taxes than you and here's how they do it."
    0 of 100 Signatures
  • James McMurdock, Tax Their Billions!
    The richest 1% emit as much planet-heating pollution as two-thirds of the Earth’s population. [1] While many of us are hit with energy bills we can’t afford and faced with cold, damp homes during winter, we are about to witness history’s first trillionaire. Rich people are getting richer, while the rest of us are becoming worse off. In France, for instance, the average taxpayer in 2016 gave 48 percent of earnings to the government, while billionaires paid just 26 percent. And the mega-rich in the UK can leverage various strategies to lower their effective tax rates compared to the average taxpayer. [2] Sources: 1:  Oxfam, 2023. "Climate inequality: A planet for the 99%." 2:  Oxfam 2023. "The super-rich pay lower taxes than you and here's how they do it."
    0 of 100 Signatures
  • Adam Jogee, Tax Their Billions!
    The richest 1% emit as much planet-heating pollution as two-thirds of the Earth’s population. [1] While many of us are hit with energy bills we can’t afford and faced with cold, damp homes during winter, we are about to witness history’s first trillionaire. Rich people are getting richer, while the rest of us are becoming worse off. In France, for instance, the average taxpayer in 2016 gave 48 percent of earnings to the government, while billionaires paid just 26 percent. And the mega-rich in the UK can leverage various strategies to lower their effective tax rates compared to the average taxpayer. [2] Sources: 1:  Oxfam, 2023. "Climate inequality: A planet for the 99%." 2:  Oxfam 2023. "The super-rich pay lower taxes than you and here's how they do it."
    0 of 100 Signatures
  • Gareth Snell, Tax Their Billions!
    The richest 1% emit as much planet-heating pollution as two-thirds of the Earth’s population. [1] While many of us are hit with energy bills we can’t afford and faced with cold, damp homes during winter, we are about to witness history’s first trillionaire. Rich people are getting richer, while the rest of us are becoming worse off. In France, for instance, the average taxpayer in 2016 gave 48 percent of earnings to the government, while billionaires paid just 26 percent. And the mega-rich in the UK can leverage various strategies to lower their effective tax rates compared to the average taxpayer. [2] Sources: 1:  Oxfam, 2023. "Climate inequality: A planet for the 99%." 2:  Oxfam 2023. "The super-rich pay lower taxes than you and here's how they do it."
    0 of 100 Signatures
  • Linsey Farnsworth, Tax Their Billions!
    The richest 1% emit as much planet-heating pollution as two-thirds of the Earth’s population. [1] While many of us are hit with energy bills we can’t afford and faced with cold, damp homes during winter, we are about to witness history’s first trillionaire. Rich people are getting richer, while the rest of us are becoming worse off. In France, for instance, the average taxpayer in 2016 gave 48 percent of earnings to the government, while billionaires paid just 26 percent. And the mega-rich in the UK can leverage various strategies to lower their effective tax rates compared to the average taxpayer. [2] Sources: 1:  Oxfam, 2023. "Climate inequality: A planet for the 99%." 2:  Oxfam 2023. "The super-rich pay lower taxes than you and here's how they do it."
    0 of 100 Signatures
  • Patrick Spencer, Tax Their Billions!
    The richest 1% emit as much planet-heating pollution as two-thirds of the Earth’s population. [1] While many of us are hit with energy bills we can’t afford and faced with cold, damp homes during winter, we are about to witness history’s first trillionaire. Rich people are getting richer, while the rest of us are becoming worse off. In France, for instance, the average taxpayer in 2016 gave 48 percent of earnings to the government, while billionaires paid just 26 percent. And the mega-rich in the UK can leverage various strategies to lower their effective tax rates compared to the average taxpayer. [2] Sources: 1:  Oxfam, 2023. "Climate inequality: A planet for the 99%." 2:  Oxfam 2023. "The super-rich pay lower taxes than you and here's how they do it."
    0 of 100 Signatures
  • Büyükşehir Belediyeleri Yenilenebilir Enerjilere Güç Versin: Test Antalya
    X Büyükşehir Belediyesi; Yetki alanı içinde yenilenebilir enerji potansiyelini hesaplamalı ve şeffaf bir şekilde kamuoyuyla paylaşmalı. Başta belediye yerleşkeleri ve kamu binaları olmak üzere yenilenebilir enerji kullanımını ve enerji verimliliğini artırmalı Tüm yeni binalarda güneş enerjisi kurulumunu teşvik edecek mekanizmalar kurmalı. Kendi bünyesinde enerji çözüm noktaları oluşturmalı. Bu noktalar aracılığıyla kent sakinleri ve yerel işletmelere enerji verimliliği/tasarrufu hakkında bilgilendirme yapılmalı; yenilenebilir enerji sistemlerine geçiş konusunda rehberlik sunulmalı. Yenilenebilir enerji projelerinin izin süreçlerini kolaylaştırmalı ve belediye çalışanlarının yenilenebilir enerji izin ve onay süreçlerindeki bilgi ve yeteneklerini artırmalı Gücünü yenilenebilir enerjiden alan X için taleplerimizin takipçisi olacağız.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Baris Ececelik
  • Büyükşehir Belediyeleri Yenilenebilir Enerjilere Güç Versin: Barış Eceçelik
    X Büyükşehir Belediyesi; Yetki alanı içinde yenilenebilir enerji potansiyelini hesaplamalı ve şeffaf bir şekilde kamuoyuyla paylaşmalı. Başta belediye yerleşkeleri ve kamu binaları olmak üzere yenilenebilir enerji kullanımını ve enerji verimliliğini artırmalı Tüm yeni binalarda güneş enerjisi kurulumunu teşvik edecek mekanizmalar kurmalı. Kendi bünyesinde enerji çözüm noktaları oluşturmalı. Bu noktalar aracılığıyla kent sakinleri ve yerel işletmelere enerji verimliliği/tasarrufu hakkında bilgilendirme yapılmalı; yenilenebilir enerji sistemlerine geçiş konusunda rehberlik sunulmalı. Yenilenebilir enerji projelerinin izin süreçlerini kolaylaştırmalı ve belediye çalışanlarının yenilenebilir enerji izin ve onay süreçlerindeki bilgi ve yeteneklerini artırmalı Gücünü yenilenebilir enerjiden alan X için taleplerimizin takipçisi olacağız.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Baris Ececelik
  • Büyükşehir Belediyeleri Yenilenebilir Enerjilere Güç Versin: Test Baris
    X Büyükşehir Belediyesi; Yetki alanı içinde yenilenebilir enerji potansiyelini hesaplamalı ve şeffaf bir şekilde kamuoyuyla paylaşmalı. Başta belediye yerleşkeleri ve kamu binaları olmak üzere yenilenebilir enerji kullanımını ve enerji verimliliğini artırmalı Tüm yeni binalarda güneş enerjisi kurulumunu teşvik edecek mekanizmalar kurmalı. Kendi bünyesinde enerji çözüm noktaları oluşturmalı. Bu noktalar aracılığıyla kent sakinleri ve yerel işletmelere enerji verimliliği/tasarrufu hakkında bilgilendirme yapılmalı; yenilenebilir enerji sistemlerine geçiş konusunda rehberlik sunulmalı. Yenilenebilir enerji projelerinin izin süreçlerini kolaylaştırmalı ve belediye çalışanlarının yenilenebilir enerji izin ve onay süreçlerindeki bilgi ve yeteneklerini artırmalı Gücünü yenilenebilir enerjiden alan X için taleplerimizin takipçisi olacağız.
    1 of 100 Signatures