Hastings--Lennox and Addington: Let's Win Heat Pumps for All!The impacts of the climate crisis are literally on our doorsteps, threatening our health, homes, and communities. We can’t face this disaster alone, and we cannot shoulder the costs as individuals. Our government must make a bold investment in a Universal Heat Pump Program to save lives, cut our bills, and protect the planet. • HEAT PUMPS SAVE LIVES: Extreme heat is worsening every year, putting our health and safety at risk. Heat pumps could have saved hundreds of lives by keeping people cool during the B.C. Heat Dome of 2021 – and they would save thousands more as climate change continues to worsen. Heat pumps often replace natural gas heating systems, which pose their own health risks. Everyone deserves to be safe in their homes as the climate crisis escalates. • HEAT PUMPS CUT OUR BILLS: People across Canada are struggling to pay our bills and feed our families as the cost of living spirals out of control. Providing and installing free heat pumps in every household, including rental homes, is a concrete way for the federal government to cut utility costs for ordinary people across the country. We can’t afford to wait any longer. • HEAT PUMPS PROTECT THE PLANET: Fossil fuels are the root cause of the climate crisis – it’s time to kick Big Oil out of our homes and communities! A Universal Heat Pump Program, powered by affordable renewable energy, will reduce our dependence on oil and gas, cut emissions, and safeguard our planet for future generations. The federal government must commit to climate solutions that materially improve our lives, both now and in the future. Heat Pumps for All!23 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Byron Woolcock
Yukon: Let's Win Heat Pumps for All!The impacts of the climate crisis are literally on our doorsteps, threatening our health, homes, and communities. We can’t face this disaster alone, and we cannot shoulder the costs as individuals. Our government must make a bold investment in a Universal Heat Pump Program to save lives, cut our bills, and protect the planet. • HEAT PUMPS SAVE LIVES: Extreme heat is worsening every year, putting our health and safety at risk. Heat pumps could have saved hundreds of lives by keeping people cool during the B.C. Heat Dome of 2021 – and they would save thousands more as climate change continues to worsen. Heat pumps often replace natural gas heating systems, which pose their own health risks. Everyone deserves to be safe in their homes as the climate crisis escalates. • HEAT PUMPS CUT OUR BILLS: People across Canada are struggling to pay our bills and feed our families as the cost of living spirals out of control. Providing and installing free heat pumps in every household, including rental homes, is a concrete way for the federal government to cut utility costs for ordinary people across the country. We can’t afford to wait any longer. • HEAT PUMPS PROTECT THE PLANET: Fossil fuels are the root cause of the climate crisis – it’s time to kick Big Oil out of our homes and communities! A Universal Heat Pump Program, powered by affordable renewable energy, will reduce our dependence on oil and gas, cut emissions, and safeguard our planet for future generations. The federal government must commit to climate solutions that materially improve our lives, both now and in the future. Heat Pumps for All!5 of 100 Signatures
Saint-Maurice--Champlain: Let's Win Heat Pumps for All!The impacts of the climate crisis are literally on our doorsteps, threatening our health, homes, and communities. We can’t face this disaster alone, and we cannot shoulder the costs as individuals. Our government must make a bold investment in a Universal Heat Pump Program to save lives, cut our bills, and protect the planet. • HEAT PUMPS SAVE LIVES: Extreme heat is worsening every year, putting our health and safety at risk. Heat pumps could have saved hundreds of lives by keeping people cool during the B.C. Heat Dome of 2021 – and they would save thousands more as climate change continues to worsen. Heat pumps often replace natural gas heating systems, which pose their own health risks. Everyone deserves to be safe in their homes as the climate crisis escalates. • HEAT PUMPS CUT OUR BILLS: People across Canada are struggling to pay our bills and feed our families as the cost of living spirals out of control. Providing and installing free heat pumps in every household, including rental homes, is a concrete way for the federal government to cut utility costs for ordinary people across the country. We can’t afford to wait any longer. • HEAT PUMPS PROTECT THE PLANET: Fossil fuels are the root cause of the climate crisis – it’s time to kick Big Oil out of our homes and communities! A Universal Heat Pump Program, powered by affordable renewable energy, will reduce our dependence on oil and gas, cut emissions, and safeguard our planet for future generations. The federal government must commit to climate solutions that materially improve our lives, both now and in the future. Heat Pumps for All!1 of 100 Signatures
Infra Fürth: Raus aus der Gaslobby, raus aus Zukunft Gas!Wir wollen unser Stadtwerk für seine Verpflichtung zum Gemeinwohl jetzt zur Verantwortung ziehen. Es ist an der Zeit, dass unsere Infra Fürth aus Zukunft Gas aussteigt und stattdessen in eine bessere, gerechtere und saubere Zukunft mit erneuerbarer Energie investiert. Denn die Wissenschaft zeigt deutlich, dass fossiles Gas nicht Teil unserer Zukunft sein kann. Vielfach als Brückentechnologie angepriesen sind Erdgas und aus ihm abgeleitete Gase wie fossiler Wasserstoff alles andere als klimafreundlich. Wie Studien zeigen, zerstören sie durch das bei der Verbrennungvon Erdgas enstehende CO2 sowie bei der Förderung frei werdenden Methan das Klima nicht minder stark als Kohle. Unterstützen wir unser Stadtwerk dabei, sich gegen die manipulative Taktik der Gaslobby zu stellen und eine saubere, gerechte und leistbare Zukunft voranzutreiben. Wir haben die Macht, unsere lokalen öffentlichen Einrichtungen zur Rechenschaft zu ziehen und so einen wichtigen Anstoß für die dringend benötigte Transformation zu geben. Wir wollen nicht länger hinnehmen das öffentliche Gelder der Stadtwerke durch ihren Mitgliedsbeitrag an die Gaslobby fließen und jene dann zu PR gegen eine dringend notwendige Transformation zweckentfremdet werden!49 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Fabian Schmitt
Stadtwerke Augsburg SWA: Raus aus der Gaslobby, raus aus Zukunft Gas!Wir wollen unser Stadtwerk für seine Verpflichtung zum Gemeinwohl jetzt zur Verantwortung ziehen. Es ist an der Zeit, dass unser Stadtwerk in Augsburg aus Zukunft Gas aussteigt und stattdessen in eine bessere, gerechtere und saubere Zukunft mit erneuerbarer Energie investiert. Denn die Wissenschaft zeigt deutlich, dass fossiles Gas nicht Teil unserer Zukunft sein kann. Unterstützen wir unser Stadtwerk dabei, sich gegen die manipulative Taktik der Gaslobby zu stellen und eine saubere, gerechte und leistbare Zukunft voranzutreiben. Wir haben die Macht, unsere lokalen öffentlichen Einrichtungen zur Rechenschaft zu ziehen und so einen wichtigen Anstoß für die dringend benötigte Transformation zu geben.1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Konstantin Hammerbacher
Charlottetown: We demand an Emergency Resolution on Climate and AffordabilityPeople in our community are struggling to pay their bills and afford basic necessities. All this as the climate crisis gets worse, year after year, putting our health and safety at risk. That's why we're calling on municipalities from coast to coast to coast to pass Emergency Resolution on Climate and Affordability. It’s critical for municipalities to firmly commit to prioritize climate solutions that materially improve our lives now as well as safeguard our future. Municipalities must also raise a unified voice for federal support because many of the climate solutions that make life safer and more affordable are delivered at the municipal level, but local governments often face funding shortfalls and policy obstacles. Everyone deserves access to reliable and resilient electricity that keeps our families and communities safe and connected, without destroying the planet. Everyone deserves access to affordable housing that keeps us warm in the winter and cool in the summer. Everyone deserves accessible, sustainable, and reliable transportation options. Everyone deserves decent, well-paying unionized jobs in a green economy. And all those directly affected by climate impacts deserve immediate and direct support. We call on you to affirm your commitment to an affordable, safe future by immediately passing an Emergency Resolution on Climate Action and Affordability. Join a growing movement of municipalities standing up for bold climate action.5 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Jill MacIntyre
Déclarons l’ETAT D’URGENCE CLIMATIQUE !L’urgence climatique devient de facto la première urgence pour les migrants, pour les femmes, pour les pauvres, pour les minorités, pour l’égalité, pour la démocratie, etc. La logique intersectionnelle de la notion de transition juste, indispensable, ne peut nier le fait évident qu’il n’y aura plus de justice sur une planète morte. L’urgence climatique doit donc devenir LA priorité absolue de tous les mouvements progressistes, qui doivent se coaliser bien davantage s’ils veulent peser sur la trajectoire historique. La transition juste sauvegarde l’habitabilité de la planète ET déploie la justice sociale EN renforçant la démocratie. Une stratégie de coalition est à formuler. Divisés et éparpillés, sans vision stratégique de transition écologique juste et démocratique, nous laissons de facto régner les écocidaires qui, eux, sont très bien organisés depuis 50 ans. Désormais, liberté et justice riment avec écologie. Nous savons, nous pouvons, nous devons. C’est dans l’intérêt du pays, de toutes et de tous. Nous n’avons plus aucune excuse pour ne pas le faire. FR : https://obsant.eu/deuc2024/ NL : https://obsant.eu/hoog-tijd-om-de-klimaatnoodtoestand-uit-te-roepen/ EN : https://obsant.eu/let-us-declare-a-state-of-climate-emergency/ DE : https://obsant.eu/erklaren-wir-den-klimanotstand/267 of 300 SignaturesCreated by Observatoire de l'Anthropocène
Stadtwerke Hanau: Raus aus der Gaslobby, raus aus Zukunft Gas!Wir wollen unser Stadtwerk für seine Verpflichtung zum Gemeinwohl jetzt zur Verantwortung ziehen. Es ist an der Zeit, dass unser Stadtwerk in Hanau aus "Zukunft Gas" aussteigt und stattdessen in eine bessere, gerechtere und saubere Zukunft mit erneuerbarer Energie investiert. Denn die Wissenschaft zeigt deutlich, dass fossiles Gas nicht Teil unserer Zukunft sein kann. Unterstützen wir unser Stadtwerk dabei, sich gegen die manipulative Taktik der Gaslobby zu stellen und eine saubere, gerechte und leistbare Zukunft voranzutreiben. Wir haben die Macht, unsere lokalen öffentlichen Einrichtungen zur Rechenschaft zu ziehen und so einen wichtigen Anstoß für die dringend benötigte Transformation zu geben.68 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Eva-Marie Merget
Support the Energy For All Guarantee: Clive LewisNo matter how much money you make or where you are in the UK, everyone deserves to have access to the energy and electricity they need to live dignified lives in safe and comfortable homes. The UK is still overly reliant on expensive, unreliable and harmful oil and gas, causing energy bills to skyrocket and harms our climate. In addition, a huge amount of UK housing is highly energy inefficient and badly insulated. You can read more about Fuel Poverty Action’s Energy For All manifesto here: https://energyforall.org.uk/manifesto.html2 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Sophie Ciurlik Rittenbaum
Support the Energy For All Guarantee: Sarah GreenNo matter how much money you make or where you are in the UK, everyone deserves to have access to the energy and electricity they need to live dignified lives in safe and comfortable homes. The UK is still overly reliant on expensive, unreliable and harmful oil and gas, causing energy bills to skyrocket and harms our climate. In addition, a huge amount of UK housing is highly energy inefficient and badly insulated. You can read more about Fuel Poverty Action’s Energy For All manifesto here: https://energyforall.org.uk/manifesto.html1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Jonathan Bean
Support the Energy For All Guarantee: Liz KendallNo matter how much money you make or where you are in the UK, everyone deserves to have access to the energy and electricity they need to live dignified lives in safe and comfortable homes. The UK is still overly reliant on expensive, unreliable and harmful oil and gas, causing energy bills to skyrocket and harms our climate. In addition, a huge amount of UK housing is highly energy inefficient and badly insulated. You can read more about Fuel Poverty Action’s Energy For All manifesto here: https://energyforall.org.uk/manifesto.html14 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Anne Scott
Support the Energy For All Guarantee: Tom HuntNo matter how much money you make or where you are in the UK, everyone deserves to have access to the energy and electricity they need to live dignified lives in safe and comfortable homes. The UK is still overly reliant on expensive, unreliable and harmful oil and gas, causing energy bills to skyrocket and harms our climate. In addition, a huge amount of UK housing is highly energy inefficient and badly insulated. You can read more about Fuel Poverty Action’s Energy For All manifesto here: https://energyforall.org.uk/manifesto.html1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Paul Daley