• Halvera SLU:s utsläpp för lärosätets trovärdighet!
    Inom fyra år måste växthusgasutsläppen från industriländer minst halveras (förutsatt att alla gör det) för att vi ens ska ha en liten chans att hålla oss under 1,5 grader (1). Samtidigt planerar världens länder att enbart göra en tredjedel av det som krävs (2). Det betyder att vi är nära att aktivera en domino av tröskeleffekter som leder till en uppvärmning bortom vår kontroll (3). Vi riskerar att minst lämna över en dubbelt så hög uppvärmning till våra barn och barnbarn (4). Det får absolut inte ske! Låt oss nu höja våra röster och skicka en tydlig signal till världens ledare att de snabbt måste åstadkomma betydligt större minskningar av växthusgasutsläppen. Framtiden kan räddas om lärosäten börjar leva som de lär och gör klimatforskningen trovärdig att följa (5). Referenser: 1. Dagens samhälle (2018). Koldioxidutsläppen måste halveras inom fyra år. Tillgängligt: https://www.dagenssamhalle.se/debatt/koldioxidutslappen-maste-halveras-inom-fyra-ar-23993 [2018-10-05] 2. UNEP (2017). The emission gap report, 2017. Tillgängligt: https://wedocs.unep.org/bitstream/handle/20.500.11822/22070/EGR_2017.pdf [2018-10-05] 3. MCC (2018). That’s how fast the carbon clock is ticking. Tillgängligt: https://www.mcc-berlin.net/en/research/co2-budget.html [2018-10-05] 4. PNAS (2018).Trajectories of the Earth System in the Anthropocene. Tillgängligt: http://www.pnas.org/content/early/2018/07/31/1810141115 [2018-10-05] 5. Attari, S.Z. Krantz, D.H. & Weber, E.U. (2016). Statements about climate researchers’ carbon footprints affect their credibility and the impact of their advice. Climatic Change, s. 138.
    1,186 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Klimatstudenterna #levsomnilär Picture
  • Stop the expansion of Arlanda airport!
    Flygandet måste minska: Klimathotet är akut. Flyget är idag beroende av fossila bränslen och de tekniska lösningarna för att göra flyget fossilfritt ligger i bästa fall långt fram i tiden. Vi har inte tid att vänta; därför måste flygandet minska drastiskt. ********************************************************************************** ENGLISH Aviation must be reduced: The climate threat is acute. Today, the aviation is dependent on fossil fuels, and the technical solutions to make the airplane fossil-free are at best case far ahead in time. We do not have time to wait; therefore, flying must be drastically reduced.
    5,001 of 6,000 Signatures
    Created by Flyglarm Arlanda Picture
  • Jag stöttar Magnoliamålet!
    Regeringen godkände tidigare i år att statligt ägda Vattenfall ska få sälja sina brunkolsgruvor i Tyskland till tjeckiska EPH. Det här är ett steg på vägen för Sverige att bli ett grönare land, men den verkliga effekten blir att utsläppen kommer öka. EPH har nämligen tydligt klargjort att man vill se en kolrenässans och vill utvidga kolbrytningen i den köpta verksamheten. Totalt rör det sig om ca 22 gånger hela Sveriges nuvarande årsutsläpp: 1,2 miljarder ton CO2. Utsläppen är lika farliga för vår framtid var de än sker och vem som än äger gruvorna. Sverige hade en unik chans att avveckla verksamheten, men fegade ur och valde att prioritera ekonomi framför framtid. Ingen miljöanalys gjordes inför affären. Affären ligger inte alls i linje med Sveriges nationella och internationella klimatåtaganden och regeringens ansvar för kommande generationer. Du kan läsa mer på vår hemsida http://magnoliamalet.se och vår Facebook-sida https://www.facebook.com/Magnoliamalet/
    745 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Jonas Bane
  • Stop Fracking in The Four Corners Area
    Methane Emission, Historical Sites, Earthquakes, Health, Water, Livestock & Food 1) METHANE EMISSION NASA has found that there is so much methane being released in the Four Corners area that it's visible from space. Studies have recently shown that it is primarily due to gas emissions from hydraulic fracturing. (Link at bottom of page) 2) HISTORICAL SITES - CHACO, MESA VERDE & OTHERS The Four Corners area is a national treasure. Some of it is protected but most of it is not. The Anasazi had a huge network of connecting lines leading to spiritual sites. They are becoming almost impossible to see because of the new fracking well access roads created on top of them. Archeologists haven't finished their research in this area, much is still left to be discovered. Fracking is fast encroaching on Chaco Canyon and Mesa Verde. Additional land leases are set to be auctioned off in January for fracking sites in the Greater Chaco area. Some of this land comes within 15 miles of the main Chaco Canyon which is designated as a World Heritage site. http://bit.ly/ChacoFracking 3) EARTHQUAKES Studies have shown that disposal wells for wastewater from fracking have caused earthquake swarms in many places around the country. Some are even quite large as we saw recently in Oklahoma. If this should happen anywhere near the Anasazi ruins it could be disastrous for these historical treasures. (Link at bottom of page) 4) HEALTH People are reporting being sickened by the air quality in communities near the fracking sites. http://bit.ly/FrackingTestimonials (More at bottom of page) 5) WATER The Four Corners area doesn't have a lot of water. Companies are fracking right up to the rivers and Navajo Lake. When toxic chemicals leak it will be disastrous, not only for the people nearby but also for those living downriver. The Navajo Nation's eastern side, which falls in New Mexico, is desperate for water. With basically no water rights, they are forced to rely on ground water. They have to dig very deep, through layers and layers of rock, because the water that's closer to the surface is contaminated with uranium from mining in the WWII era. 40% of the Navajo in this area have no running water in their homes. We should be making things better for them, not worse. Fracking not only endangers the limited water supply but it also uses an enormous amount of water in the process. This is water which would be much better utilized as drinking water rather than fracking water. People can't drink natural gas or oil. http://bit.ly/NavajoNoWater (More at bottom of page) 6) LIVESTOCK, FARMING & FOOD "In addition to the cases documented by Bamberger, hair testing of sick cattle that grazed around well pads in New Mexico found petroleum residues in fifty-four of fifty-six animals." (Link at bottom of page) Methane emission: http://bit.ly/4CornersMethane Earthquakes: http://on.doi.gov/2cvICBe Health (air): http://bit.ly/FrackingAir Health Link 2: http://bit.ly/FrackingAir Water Link 2: http://bit.ly/FrackWater Livestock: http://bit.ly/2cvK4Dy
    4,442 of 5,000 Signatures
    Created by Jenni Siri
  • Shut Down Line 3, Don't Replace It!
    Canadian pipeline company Enbridge is trying to build a new Keystone XL-sized pipeline to carry tar sands oil through North Dakota, Minnesota, and Wisconsin. This project -- which the company is billing as a “replacement” of an old and unsafe line -- just got a boost from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) as part of a proposed settlement relating to a massive tar sands oil spill in Michigan that the company was responsible for a few years ago. In effect, the EPA is “punishing” Enbridge for a devastating spill by requiring the company to build an entirely different pipeline that Enbridge has wanted for years. Ordering a bad actor like Enbridge to build a new tar sands pipeline is a recipe for disaster for our climate. The EPA is currently accepting public comments on this decision. Submit a public comment and tell the EPA that operating an unsafe pipeline isn’t something to reward.
    963 of 1,000 Signatures
    Created by Andy Pearson Picture
  • Vägs Ände: Stoppa återvändsgränden Förbifart Stockholm
    Förbifart Stockholm är ett avskräckande exempel på hur koldioxidutsläpp, miljörasism och gamla drömmar om massbilism kan hota ett samhälle. Oavsett hur många gånger experter säger att bilismen kommer att öka, oavsett hur mycket bostadsområden kommer drabbas av sämre luft och oavsett hur mycket det skärs ner på kollektivtrafiken så blir många politikers svar detsamma: vi ska bygga mer motorväg. Kostnaden beräknas bli upp till 46 miljarder kronor, med syftet att proppa in fler bilar i Stockholms rådande trafikinfarkt. Eftersom bilen är så ineffektiv jämfört med gång, cykel och kollektivtrafik så kommer mer mark att tas i anspråk för parkering, samtidigt som luften blir sämre och klimatpåverkan ökar. För att minska klimatförändringarna måste majoriteten av alla fossila bränslen stanna i marken. Det innebär att infrastruktur som väntas öka utsläppen och förbränningen av fossila bränslen måste stoppas. "Miljöbilar" fortsätter vara en idé riktad till de som har råd att köpa sig fria från dåligt samvete, och kan på sin höjd flytta utsläppen till andra delar av världen. Men för klimatet spelar det förstås ingen roll var utsläppen sker. Och för oss som bor i städer ockuperade av bilar så är det inte heller någon räddning. Vi kräver att: - Förbifarten stoppas och investeringarna istället går till kollektivtrafiken - Regeringen respekterar Parisavtalet och ser till att inga klimathotande projekt godkänns - Att man lyssnar på människor i de orter som drabbas Eftersom vi inte kan vänta på att politikerna tar rätt beslut så tänker vi nu ta saken i egna händer och genom civil olydnad stoppa bygget tillsammans. mvh Vägs Ände Vi är ett öppet nätverk av organisationer, grupper och individer från hela landet som tillsammans tar ställning mot fossil infrastruktur och det orättvisa ekonomiska systemet. Vi är en del av den globala gräsrotsrörelsen för klimaträttvisa och demokrati. Kom med!
    320 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Vägs Ände Picture
  • Gov. Raimondo: Don't Betray Burrillville
    Invenergy, a major corporation, proposes to build a fracked-gas and diesel fuel power plant in Burrillville, Rhode Island. This proposed power plant would contribute to local air and water pollution, threatening the health of Burillville's residents. This project would also threaten our climate by running mostly on fracked gas -- a major contributor to dangerously high CO2 and Methane emissions. In 2001 there was a major toxic, cancerous chemical spill in Burrillville that contaminated the town's water, leaving people sick and without running water for months. Invenergy's wants to uncap these toxic wells and use hundreds of thousands of gallons of this water at their plant every day, then dump it into a local river. Burrillville already is home to two major fracked-gas pipelines, two fracked-gas compressor stations and the largest fossil fuel power plant in the State. Residents are now united in their opposition to Invenergy's project. It's critical that the residents of Burrillville have a say in the future of their community.
    692 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Nick Katkevich
  • Yvelines - Arrêtez la hausse des impôts pour des projets inutiles.
    Il se dessine (déjà bien amorcé) un avenir "en béton" dans la vallée de la Seine, une Opération d'Intérêt National (c'est à dire sans aucune concertation avec aucun élu mais décidée au plus haut sommet de l'état comme ça a été le cas pour l'étang de Berre, Corbeil Essone, Roissy, ...). La nouvelle appellation se nomme GPSO (Grand Paris Seine Oise), son drapeau de conquête initial devait être le circuit de formule 1 à Flins. L'ambition de ce titanesque projet est de faire de la région un sanctuaire de flux de marchandises et matériaux. La région parisienne s'est développée plus que les autres car autour se trouvent les plus riches terres agricoles de France (il faut 4000 à 7000 ans pour avoir 18cm de terre arables !) Ce choix de développement aura de très lourdes conséquences à tous les niveaux et les habitants de la région risquent d'en payer un fort tribus (pollution, trafic, endettement, liens social, culture, alimentation,...)
    302 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Nopivals Collectif Picture
  • Dr. Shirley Jackson, please stop working for big oil
    Dr. Jackson, you are being asked to step down because of the impact that Marathon Oil has on environmental health issues at a local, national, and global level. LOCALLY Only 8 miles from your home and RPI, for example, the health and welfare of people who live in Albany (including RPI students) are at risk because highly volatile Bakken Crude -- which Marathon Oil produces -- rolls through their communities -- in rail DOT-111 rail tankers that the National Transportation Safety Board itself says put communities at risk. Explosions and fires have already wreaked havoc in communities around North America, including the massive blast in Lac Megantic, Quebec that killed 47 people. These “bomb trains” filled with volatile crude pass within hundreds of feet of densely populated residential areas, and often sit for days on tracks just behind public housing complexes. NATIONALLY The shale gas boom is also expanding fossil fuel production and transport, and creating new problems and risks across the United States. Marathon Oil is active in the Eagle Ford Shale Play near San Antonio, for example. More than 7,000 new oil and gas wells have been drilled in the region since 2007, and thousands more are planned, resulting in dramatic air pollution and associated ill health. Many RPI students and alum are directly impacted because of shale gas developments in their home communities. Meanwhile, research demonstrating often irreversible damage to the environment and human health because of the long chain of activity associated with the shale gas boom continues to build. RPI could play an important leadership role helping translate this research into public policy, firmly grounded in science. GLOBALLY Fossils fuels also create tragic global challenges, with Marathon Oil again bearing notable responsibility. The United Nations reports that that climate change already kills hundreds of thousands of people per year, and that the world’s poorest people are the most vulnerable. Climate change is also creating political instability, driving people across borders and creating diplomatic crises that show no sign of resolution. Fossil fuels -- and Marathon Oil -- are deeply implicated in these tragedies.
    402 of 500 Signatures
    Created by Igor Vamos
  • Investigate Exxon: New Hampshire Attorney General Joseph A. Foster
    Right now, we have a chance to expose Exxon Mobil and push for the truth about what they have known for several decades concerning climate change. If we can shine a light on this case, we'll be one step closer to reining in an industry that still continues to drive the climate crisis. Attorneys General in New York, California, Massachusetts, and the U.S. Virgin Islands have already announced they're investigating, and Attorneys General across the country are thinking considering about following suit being part of the fight. But we need your help in calling on Attorney General Foster to they need to know that we’re watching, and that we demand they act now and join the investigation. These sorts of investigations proved Big Tobacco was knowingly poisoning our children -- and now they can show Big Oil has been knowingly poisoning our air, water, and climate. So please, join in urging on Attorney General Foster to fight on behalf of Granite Staters: Exxon Mobil’s day in court has come -- they need to tell the truth in court, and face the consequences of their lies.
    713 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Becky Wasserman
  • Investigate Exxon: Vermont Attorney General William H. Sorrell
    Big news broke last year: Exxon knew about climate change in the 1970s. They *researched* it. And surprise, surprise, they’ve been lying about it ever since. Not only did Exxon not come clean about what they found -- they've spent tens of millions of dollars over the past forty years trying to convince us all that climate change isn’t real. When that didn’t work, they said climate change isn’t that bad, and when that failed, they said, “Oh hey, it’s not our fault.” We’re talking about what could be the largest case of fraud in human history. It’s no secret that the fossil fuel industry is a blight on the planet. But right now, we have a chance to do real damage to Exxon, and push their shady, oil company lies out into broad daylight. If we can shine a light on this case of blatant fraud, we'll be one step closer to dismantling the power of an industry that's still recklessly -- and knowingly -- driving the climate crisis. Governor Peter Shumlin and Vermont legislators have already called out Exxon for the bad actor they are, urging divestment of the state pension funds. New York State’s Attorney General had already begun an investigation, and on March 29, he and sixteen other AGs, including Attorney General Bill Sorrell, announced that they're jointly exploring "ongoing and potential investigations into whether fossil fuel companies misled investors and the public on the impact of climate change on their businesses." We applaud this announcement, and we urge Attorney General Sorrell to start an investigation of Exxon. These sorts of investigations are what convinced America about the evil of Big Tobacco -- it’s time for Big Oil to get the same treatment. So please, join the call: Exxon’s day in court has come -- they need to tell the truth in court, and face the consequences of their lies and fraud.
    832 of 1,000 Signatures
    Created by Austin Davis Picture
  • Investigate Exxon
    Last fall, we learned that Exxon researchers alerted company management to the grave threats of climate change in the 1970s...and the company's executives have been lying about it ever since. Not only did Exxon not disclose the dangers -- its executives spent tens of millions of dollars trying to convince the world that climate change isn’t real; this hobbled effective political action for decades. In circles where that didn’t work, they said that climate change wasn't that bad, and wasn't an urgent problem. This was the most devastating coverup in human history. We can't have those decades back. But if Exxon is held accountable, we'll be one step closer to dismantling the power of an industry that's still driving us towards disaster, and making them pay for their wrongs. New York State’s Attorney General has already started an investigation, and on March 29, he and sixteen other AGs announced that they're jointly exploring "ongoing and potential investigations into whether fossil fuel companies misled investors and the public on the impact of climate change on their businesses." Here in Washington, Attorney General Ferguson needs to know that he has the support he needs to start an investigation. Investigations like this showed the evils of Big Tobacco -- it’s time for Big Oil to face the same scrutiny. We want Washington state to be in 100%. So please, join the call: we need to hear the truth in a court of law, and Exxon needs to face the consequences of its deception.
    1,506 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by 350 Seattle